Evaporative cooling vs air conditioning
Evaporative cooling systems allows cool fresh air to circulate throughout a building forcing the stale hot air to be displaced out. Unlike air- conditioning which operates with re-circulated air, evaporative coolers operate on the principle of air change and work as part of balanced ventilation system.
Most of the time outside air can be used to cool buildings; only on the hottest days does the cooling system kick in to cool the air before it is brought into the building.
Additional Benefits
A Reduction in temperature in the work place creates the obvious benefits of improved staff morale, increased productivity and a reduction in absenteeism: evaporative cooling can provide additional benefits
- An Environmentally safe solution – evaporation is a natural process and requires no refrigerants.
- Eliminates odours and stale air instead of re-circulating them.
- Money saving – running costs up to 90% less than an equivalent refrigeration system.
- Doors and windows can remain open with no detremental effect on the efficiency or operating cost.
- Saves up to 10,000kg of carbon per year compared to an equivalent air conditioning system.
- Provides a natural environment and improves air quality.
Ask about our Evaporative Cooling solutions
Evaporative cooling: Cooling with environmental responsibility from Encon
Whether you work in an office, warehouse, factory, shop or showroom most places of work require cooling in summer months. Until now the only cooling solution has been refrigerant based air conditioning and this has been restricted to high yielding accommodation such as shops or offices. Furthermore recent Energy price rises have put energy efficiency at the top of everyone’s “to do” list and have raised questions about the sustainability of traditional air conditioning.
With only a fraction of the moving parts of an air conditioning system and requiring only basic water and electrical services, evaporative cooling is the simplest method of cooling your building. A variety of installation options allows us to provide our customers with the optimum solution. from simple louvred plenums through to fabric ducts perfect for office environments.
Potentially dangerous organisms do not present a risk as the water in an evaporative cooler circulates at a naturally cool temperature. Unique design and process controls prevent water stagnation. The plastic and stainless construction avoids corrosion. A constant supply of naturally cooled air is supplied by the coolers without the use of environmentally damaging refrigerants.
Low Cost
Typically an evaporative cooler is 25% of the capital cost and 15% of the running cost of a refrigerant based industrial air conditioning system. As an example a Breezair can produce 35kW of cooling for 1.5kW of power. This equates to one cooler providing enough cool air for 300m2 for a cost of less than 10 pence an hour.
Energy Efficiency
Correctly designed Evaporative Cooling Systems can consume 85% less electricity than conventional air conditioning systems which equates to savings of 10 tonnes of carbon per annum per cooler. Furthermore if your company is a Small/Medium Enterprise then you may qualify for a 4 year interest free unsecured loan from the Carbon Trust. We have invaluable experience in achieving such loans for customers.